Like many electric cooperatives, York Electric will celebrate National Lineman Appreciation Day on Monday, April 11, to honor the hard-working men and women who often work in challenging conditions to keep the lights on.
We are recognizing all electric linemen for the services they perform around the clock in oftentimes dangerous conditions to keep the power on and protect the public’s safety. The caliber of our line employees is top notch. Each and every member of our line crew is to be commended for his hard work in delivering safe and reliable power to our 58,000-plus members throughout York, Chester, Lancaster and Cherokee counties.
Electric linemen do not often receive the recognition they deserve. They work all hours of the day and night away from their families, and they go above and beyond to restore power to their communities. Our linemen, as well as linemen from all across the nation, truly deserve this special day of recognition.
Coloring contest

One way we will honor our linemen is by teaching the next generation of lineworkers how YEC linemen stay safe around electricity. We are proud to sponsor our second annual Linemen Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest for children, ages 12 and under. We’ll award three prizes of $100, $50, and $25 for the three best entries. Entrants should include their name, their parents’ name, along with their address and phone number.
Download the Linemen Gear Up for Safety coloring sheet and also learn more about how to stay safe around electricity. Entries should be turned in to one of our offices by Monday, April 11, or mailed to York Electric Cooperative; Attention: Joyce Baker; P.O. Box 150; York, SC 29745.

[PDF] Lineworker Safety Coloring Sheet
1.54 MB 95 downloads
If you enjoy having electricity, take the opportunity to thank a lineman today.
Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer
York Electric’s 75th Annual Meeting
Make plans to attend York Electric’s 75th Annual Meeting scheduled for Saturday, May 14! The registration gift is a $15 electric bill credit and LED flashlight. You don’t want to miss the chance to win valuable prizes including two Chevrolet pickup trucks. Registration postcards will be mailed the last of April.

[PDF] 2017 Annual Meeting Event Details
643 KB 850 downloads
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