YEC’s goal is to serve you well!
From the dawn of their existence, cooperatives have been characterized as “large enough to serve you; small enough to know you.” I believe that’s an apt description of YEC. As your Touchstone Energy partner, we stand with hundreds of cooperatives nationwide in dedication to our guiding principle: members first. YEC possesses the personnel, facilities, equipment and mission to ensure that our members are served well!

This year, we will serve you well by continuing to invest time and resources in our local communities through strong economic development leadership and other initiatives, by striving to keep rates stable and affordable, and by maintaining and implementing technologies to increase service, security, reliability and efficiency.
Dawning soon
In response to member interest, YEC will continue to develop our community solar farm project by building a second farm and securing a site for a third location. We will also introduce a new Beat the Peak program, a free and voluntary effort to help control energy costs for cooperative members.
Look for the details in future issues South Carolina Living magazine.
Member benefits
One of the many benefits of being a member of YEC involves the allocation of excess revenue, called margins, in the form of capital credits. I am pleased to announce that YEC will return $1.3 million, the largest amount in our history, to our members in May.
Save the date
Please highlight Saturday, May 13, on your 2017 calendar and plan to attend our 76th Annual Meeting. Our employees are already in the process of planning a fun-filled day, and a $15 power bill credit has been reserved for all members who register. The meeting gives us the opportunity to get to know you better, and you just might win the grand prize! Please review the Annual Meeting bylaw excerpts below pertaining to nominations of trustees, and let us know if you have any questions.
As always, we remain anchored to the Touchstone Energy core values: integrity, accountability, innovation and commitment to community, and look forward to providing you with the best we have to offer in 2017.
President and Chief Executive Officer
Bylaw excerpts—Article IV Trustees,
Section 4.06 Nominations
Not less than ninety (90) days prior to the meeting, nominations may be made by twenty-five (25) or more members of the cooperative in writing over their signatures on an explicit petition document listing their nominee(s) in like manner. This document must be obtained from the cooperative no more than one hundred twenty (120) days prior to the Annual Meeting and must be specific to each district. In addition to the required petition, candidates must attend a Board-developed educational program on Cooperative history, operations and governance not less than sixty (60) days prior to the next Annual Meeting, or have a minimum of three (3) years of service as an electric cooperative Trustee. The educational requirement will be offered at the Cooperative on two (2) specified dates prior to the Annual Meeting.
The Secretary shall mail to the members with the notice of the meeting, or separately, but at least ten (10) days prior to the date of the meeting, a complete statement of the names and addresses of all nominees for each Trustee District from or with respect to which one or more Trustees must be elected, showing clearly those who have completed the educational requirement and those who have completed a minimum of three (3) years of service as an electric cooperative Trustee.
The Secretary shall post in like manner such nominations at the Cooperative offices sixty (60) days prior to the next Annual Meeting.
Annual Meeting FAQ
Each member will receive an official announcement in the April South Carolina Living magazine, as well as a registration postcard. Please keep your registration postcard and bring it with you to the annual meeting.
No parking will be available at the annual meeting because it is completely drive-thru.
The candidates for the YEC board of directors election can be reviewed here.
Watch YEC’s 2023 Annual Meeting will be live-streamed on Facebook and our website at 5 p.m. on Saturday, May 6th.
The Annual Meeting is a meeting of YEC’s members and a special occasion for members to participate in cooperative business and meet their cooperative leaders and employees. As a democratically controlled, not-for-profit business, our bylaws indicate we host a meeting for members to gather and vote on important matters each year. We’ve adapted the meeting to be safe for all and convenient for you by hosting registration and voting as a drive-thru experience and virtual business meeting. Each member who is present and registers receives a registration gift and will be eligible to win door prizes. Most importantly, members can exercise their cooperative right to vote in the election for seats on the cooperative’s Board of Trustees. During the virtual business meeting that will be streamed on our website and our Facebook page, our President and CEO, attorney, and Board Chairman will update you on important Cooperative business and share election results.
The annual meeting is drive-thru, so just stay in the comfort of your car. YEC employees will be there to help guide you through each step of the process to register and cast your vote.
Each member who attends the annual meeting and registers will receive a $25 power bill credit.
Only members who attend the annual meeting, provide proper identification and their registration card are eligible to receive a registration gift, vote and be entered into the door prize drawing.
Yes! After voting and registering your attendance, cars will have the option to loop through a special line to receive a bag of free hot dogs, limited to one bag per membership. Hot dogs will be available on Saturday, May 6, beginning at 9 a.m., while supplies last.
YEC has three grand prizes available to win at this year’s annual meeting. They include a 2014 Ford F-150 and (2) $500 power bill credits. Winners will be contacted on Monday following the annual meeting.
All other door prizes will be announced during the virtual business meeting. Winners will be contacted on Monday following the annual meeting.
The YEC annual meeting will be held in Fort Mill on Wednesday, May 3, from 10 a.m. until 2 p.m. at our operations center at 2000 Highway 21, right across from Captain Steve’s, and at our main office, 1385 E. Alexander Love Hwy. on Saturday, May 6 from 7:30 a.m. until 2 p.m. Members may register and vote at one of these two locations. The virtual business meeting will be live online Saturday evening.
All members of the cooperative are eligible to register with a valid photo ID and their registration card. The registration card will be on the front cover of your April issue of South Carolina Living Magazine.
The door prize winners, including the grand prize winners, will be announced during the virtual business meeting. All door prizes that can be mailed will be sent directly to winners. If your name is chosen we will contact you to provide you details about your prize on Monday following the annual meeting.