Operation Round Up brings out the best in YEC members

We appreciate all of York Electric’s members—and especially those who contribute to Operation Round Up. Thanks to these fine folks, who agree to have their co-op bill rounded up to the next dollar, a lot of good things happen in our community.
We’ve helped co-op members who suddenly found themselves without a job and about to lose their homes. We’ve also been able to help members who are suffering with terminal medical conditions, supported local food banks, and provided shelter for the homeless and emergency aid to many local families.
Mind you, such payments are not paid directly to the aid recipient. A volunteer trust board administers the collected Operation Round Up funds. Rest assured, the trust board is very cautious about how they spend member donations.
Members who support Operation Round Up have donated more than $1.6 million since 2000. Last year, approximately $120,000 was collected and granted to those in need as well as to worthwhile non-profit local charities. But just think about how much local relief could be awarded if all of the co-op’s members round up their bills. About, $240,000, that’s how much!
Pennies apiece
Best of all, the cost of doing this very good deed is very small indeed: Members who participate in Operation Round Up donate an average of just $6 each per year. The least it costs a month is a penny; the most is 99 cents. With Operation Round Up, your small change can make a big difference!
What’s more, Operation Round Up is an easy way for all co-op members to join us in demonstrating a key Cooperative Principle, Concern for Community. Helping one another brings out the best in us, don’t you think?
If you’re one of our participating members, bless you. If not, call (803) 684-4248 today to sign up for Operation Round Up. Thank you!
Brown Simpson Jr.
Operation Round Up Board Chairman
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Operation Round Up
Disposition Statement