83rd Annual Meeting Recap
We would like to thank all York Electric Cooperative member-owners who registered and exercised their right to vote and make their voices heard regarding the co-op's leadership and business affairs. Your participation is important and appreciated.
A list of door prize winners is posted below. Video and a transcript of the business portion of the meeting are available here as well.

Scenes from the 2024 Annual Meeting

YEC employees worked to transform Catawba Park in Tega Cay with tents, cones and tables for efficient registration and voting for members on May 1.

YEC Linemen Ryan Putnam (left) and Stephen Clinton stand with Paul Basha directing traffic at our York annual meeting site.

Warren Wigfield of Clover, who has been a YEC member for 40 years, is registered by Member Services Representative Bonnie Whetstine.

York School administrators and staff, along with York School District One Education Foundation board members, worked together to serve hot dogs to our members. In exchange for their time and as a show of partnership, YEC donated to the Ag Arena capital campaign.

Teamwork makes the dream work during annual meeting. Staking Engineer Thomas Wilkerson (left), Energy Services Representative Shane Baker and Electrical Engineer Leah Fleming all work together to register members.

Rajesh Patle (driver) and Jamgaonkiave Nashvin of Fort Mill took advantage of registering and voting at our Tega Cay location.

Sharon Snearly (left), Gwen Thompson and Chauntel Ingalls all serve on YEC’s Credentials and Elections committee, who oversee the voting and registration process during each annual meeting.

Brett Crosby of Tega Cay and his dog, Zoey, register for the first time.

Information Services Administrator Brian Scott works to prepare our technology equipment for a smooth registration process for all members.