Celebrating Fourth of July, declaring our energy independence…
Fireworks and flags. Cookouts and cold drinks. We hope your Fourth of July is a festive day spent celebrating our nation’s independence with family and friends. As the fireworks fade into memory, it is worth reflecting on how the uniquely American spirit of independence remains part of our collective DNA 239 years after our nation was formed.

Our sense of independence has served us well. For example, more than 70 years ago, an independent streak inspired groups of farmers across America’s countryside to band together and improve the quality of life. With President Franklin Roosevelt’s promise of federal aid in the form of loans and engineering expertise, rural Americans brought electricity to their own communities and home. They pulled together and worked cooperatively—a shining example of American determination and ingenuity.
For the past 40-plus years, nearly every president since Richard Nixon, during the 1973 Arab oil embargo, has talked about the goal of U.S. energy independence—reducing our reliance on imported oil and other forms of foreign energy. Today, while we still have a ways to go, we are closer to that goal than ever before. We export more gas and import less foreign fuel than in recent memory. American ingenuity in the form of new technology and innovation is opening up more options and spurring greater efficiency across all forms of energy.
Collective benefits
Co-op members can play a part in moving us toward national energy independence by taking action in simple, practical ways—insulating and caulking around windows, doors and electrical outlets; washing clothes in cold water instead of hot; replacing air filters; installing a programmable thermostat; and using more energy-efficient appliances and home heating and cooling systems. Efficiency efforts can cut costs for individual households—and the collective benefit to our country is even greater.
If we all work together to achieve increased energy efficiency and reduce our overall energy consumption, we can make even more progress on our road toward energy independence. At YEC, we want to be a resource for you in this effort.

[PDF] 101 Easy Ways to Save Energy and Money
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Red, white, blue—and green
In addition, YEC, like other co-ops across the country, has actively promoted renewable energy resources like wind, solar, hydropower and biomass. Today, nearly 95 percent of the nation’s 900-plus electric co-ops provide electricity produced by renewable sources, all playing a key role in powering rural America while fostering our nation’s energy independence. To support the effort, sign-up for our Green Power program and learn more about renewables at www.yorkelectric.net/renewable-energy.
By redoubling our energy-efficiency efforts—and mixing some green in with the good old red, white and blue—you’ll be showing your independent streak. Now, that’s the American spirit!
Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer
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