Show your appreciation by writing to us on social media, #YECLinemenRock. In First Grade? Be sure to download our coloring contest worksheet and participate in our Linemen Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest!
One way we will honor our linemen is by teaching the next generation of lineworkers how YEC linemen stay safe around electricity. We are proud to sponsor our fourth annual Linemen Gear Up for Safety Coloring Contest for first graders only. We’ll award three prizes of 1st ($100), 2nd ($50) and 3rd ($25) for the three best entries. Entrants should include their name, their parents’ name, along with their address and phone number.

Download the Linemen Gear Up for Safety coloring sheet and also learn more about how to stay safe around electricity. Entries should be turned in to one of our offices by Friday, April 27, 2018, or mailed to York Electric Cooperative; Attention: Porter Gable; P.O. Box 150; York, SC 29745.

[PDF] Lineworker Safety Coloring Sheet
1.54 MB 93 downloads