Establishing a connection when you meet someone new is a typical conversation starter. We all want to find common ground, which usually starts by playing the name game. Finding a mutual friend bridges the gap between strangers and acquaintances. Suddenly, because you know the other person’s friend or family member, you are welcomed into the inner circle, vouched for, and taken seriously. Building those relationships is an important part of your cooperative’s values. Community. Service. Family. Our members. You.
Let’s take a minute to get acquainted. My name is Paul Basha, and I am a proud YEC member. I’m a family man–a normal guy–just like you. I bet if you asked around, I’m not the only person you might know that works here at your co-op.
Relating you to the local men and women who are dedicated to serving you with excellence should provide you with a peace of mind and comfort in knowing you are a priority at YEC.
Our commitment to our members is much deeper than any other utility. As a co-op, we are dedicated to improving our communities and the lives of those around us. We take every outage, phone call, question, new construction, security light, and economic development opportunity seriously because it matters. These ideals come naturally to us because we live where you live. We eat where you eat. We shop where you shop. Our kids attend school with your kids. We worship where you worship.
Your service matters to us because we work in the same community you do, and a lot of us get our power from the same place you do. The men and women who respond during an outage experience the same outages at their homes, too. We are real people, who value the same things as you do, answering the call to provide you with the safe, reliable and affordable energy you deserve. Enriching lives means helping our neighbors, our coworkers, our friends and family–you. That’s the power of human connections. That’s why we are proud to have local people serving you.
Likewise, your relation to YEC is more than just a consumer; you are a member and an owner of your co-op. This is the most important connection of all. In this issue, we would like to take the time to introduce you to some of our employees who are members just like you. If you didn’t know them before, we hope you take the time to make some new friends. As for me, it’s nice to officially meet you. Remember, we are local people looking out for you–and that’s the cooperative difference.

Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer