Your co-op’s dedication to bringing you a brighter future.
Solar Energy continues to make headlines in the electric industry. At your co-op, we are proud to embrace these emerging technologies and be your trusted source for information. A large portion of our membership has shown interest in solar energy, which is why we have developed special net metering rates, invested in two community solar farms, created step by step instructions on the installation process and an educational program to accommodate anyone who wishes to install solar panels on their home.

Your co-op is always looking out for you, which is why it is important to us for you to know the facts before you sign on the dotted line. Thinking about solar? Let us walk you through the process to ensure your investment will outweigh your costs. Through our Solar Advisory Program, members who are interested in installing panels on their home or in their yard to offset their electric bill can talk to an expert who will give them an analysis of their installation proposal. Energy Services Representative Brent Clinton works with members each day to find the best solution for them. “It has been very rewarding to help guide our members through a successful interconnection process and educate them about solar energy. Most of all, I have been happy to help members understand the information that is presented by solar companies for their homes. Sometimes this can be misleading, and other times I am able to validate what the company has presented. Either way, there’s no better peace of mind than allowing your co-op to help you make an informed decision about whether or not this renewable plan is right for you,” said Clinton. Learn more about this program.
Your co-op has over 200 interconnected solar systems across our territory and your interest keeps climbing. We have become aware that some members are interested in participating but are unable to make a permanent installation at their residence. That’s why YEC has invested in two community solar farms and is considering offering a third in the future. The first smaller community solar farm was completely subscribed in less than a month. Our second farm, located in our East York Industrial Park, is more than two-thirds subscribed. If you would like to invest in clean, renewable solar energy, please reach out to Brent Clinton at or read about our subscription process here.

We are committed to staying up-to-date with emerging technologies so that we may be your source of power and information. We are proud to be your trusted energy advisor, making your future as a member of YEC brighter than ever.
Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer