Electric Vehicles are becoming more popular as our members and electric consumers across the country become more aware of the way electricity is consumed. According to a study completed by the Edison Electric Institute, the United States reached 1 million electric cars on the road in 2018. Another 1 million will be on our roads by the end of next year, and up to 18 million by 2030. The innovation, energy-conscious design and economical model is here to stay. It’s no surprise that we’ve seen an increase in EV investments in our area and your co-op has noticed.
YEC is proud to introduce a new electric vehicle (EV) incentive program to help support our members’ decisions to decrease their carbon footprints and modernize their means of travel. Signing up for one of our EV rates and installing a Level 2 charger will provide members with a $200 incentive while helping your co-op shift power costs to off-peak times, when fewer members are using power. If you have an EV or are considering a purchase, please reach out to YEC’s Energy Services Representative Brent Clinton. He can help sign you up and answer your questions as part of YEC’s commitment to always be your trusted energy advisor.

Purchasing an EV is an intentional investment in a cleaner, brighter future which is like-minded to how your co-op strategizes for what is to come. We are dedicated to creating sustainable opportunities that will carry YEC and our members into the future by studying smart solutions to improve your quality of life. Although we are still likely to have roads, a ride in the DeLorean would prove YEC’s continued promise to serve you in the same member-focused, forward-thinking way we have for the past 80 years. To the future and beyond!
Paul Basha
President and Chief Executive Officer