As we celebrate this year’s Co-op Month during October, it’s important to remember why we exist—to serve our members and communities. One of our seven governing principles is Concern for Community, and nothing exemplifies our commitment to this better than finding unique people within our local areas who share the same values.
Lifelong YEC member Max Phillips celebrated his 99th birthday this year and judging by the sizeable stack of birthday cards he received, he also had a chance to celebrate his love for people. A member of Park Baptist Church in Rock Hill for 88 years, Phillips has spent his life building relationships and caring for his neighbors.

When drafted for World War II in the 1940s, Phillips proudly accepted the call and served as an aviation metalsmith, working on amphibious airplanes and serving his country. After his time in the Navy was over, Phillips and his late wife, Margaret, spent the next 50 years traveling across the country in their Airstream caravans, making memories and friends wherever they went. Before his wife of 73 years passed, he made a vow to her that he would continue going out into the community and building genuine relationships. In fact, Phillips says, “I decided long ago that every person I meet will become a friend of mine.”
These days, this often involves Phillips inviting neighbors, like his housekeeper and tellers from his local bank, over to share a homecooked meal with him in his home. A product of his childhood growing up on a farm, Phillips reflects on his past and how it has influenced his life today.

“Growing up, we didn’t have much, but we always had food,” he says. “To this day, I still enjoy being able to connect with others by cooking them meals and having a conversation together at a table.”
Taking the time to listen and share with others has proven meaningful throughout Phillips’s long life and is a lesson we take to heart. Just like YEC always looks out for you, and like Phillips always looks out for his neighbors, we encourage you to always look out for one another because we know you have a lot to offer.
Attention Veterans

Active and former members of our Armed Services, please join us at our York and Fort Mill office locations on Thursday, Nov. 11, 2021, 8 a.m. to 5 p.m., for our 6th Annual Veterans Day Celebration.
Simply pull up to the drive-thru to receive a small token of our appreciation for the service, sacrifice, dedication and fearlessness each of our veterans has given so we can enjoy our freedom.
Please bring a copy of your power bill and your DD-214, military ID or proof of enlistment to receive a special gift and a $20 power bill credit. We hope to see you there!