Conversations around our boardroom table remained focused on you, our valuable members, throughout the past year. As always, maintaining service excellence is prioritized so your bill stays low, your lights stay on and your voice is heard. While we highlight several of your co-op’s accomplishments for 2023 on the following page, my focus is on how we are preparing for your future.

Rising power costs and the need for more electric generation remain at the forefront of concern in our board meetings. We have worked with our peers throughout the state to address this issue and provide reasonable solutions to keep the impact on members as minimal as possible. This means negotiating for new ways to provide power generation sources to our state and educating members on using electricity wisely.
We are excited to begin the process of serving two new large industries. One project will be completed this year; the other will be completed in 2026. Not only will these opportunities provide good jobs for our area, but their local investments will positively impact our schools and local communities. Additionally, these industries will help keep your rates stable because of their large power requirements, making these economic development projects a win for our area and for your co-op.
Speaking of your board in action, you will now see a new box in each issue that will review the most important topics discussed at our prior month’s board meeting. Not only is it important to remain good stewards of each dollar that comes into the co-op, but it is also important to conduct transparent business practices with the utmost integrity.
Lastly, we are beginning our search for a new President and CEO. Paul Basha has led our co-op as a servant, humbly and generously, for over 20 years. As he nears retirement after 35 years at YEC, we will look to find an individual that will continue supporting and guiding our employees and the tremendous job they do serving you.
Thank you for allowing me the privilege to serve as your board chairman. I am honored to lead our board as we look out for you, support our fantastic group of employees and remain focused on making a positive impact for years to come.
Tom Settlemyre
Board Chairman, District 1
2023 by the numbers
- Approximately 1,300 new members.
- 600,000 miles driven, 95,000 calls answered, 1,000 online chats, 2,100 emails to serve our members.
- Over 820,000 billing statements mailed.
- 100 percent of outages responded to within one hour, outside of severe storm situations.
- 95 percent yearly service satisfaction average.
- Approximately 32,000 poles inspected.
- 46 infrastructure projects completed.